Important: This category is getting very large.

Please help to make this category a more manageable size so individual stubs can receive more attention.

  1. Expand a stub so that the stub tag can be removed.
  2. Check to see if articles listed here have been expanded since the {{compu-stub}} tag was added, and remove the stub tag.
  3. When appropriate, please sort stubs using a more specific template:
Computer software {{compu-soft-stub}} Category:Software stubs
Computer and video games {{cvg-stub}} Category:Computer and video game stubs
Microcomputers/microprocessors {{microcompu-stub}} Category:Microcomputer stubs
Internet domain names {{compu-domain-stub}} Category:Domain name stubs
KDE and KDE applications {{kde-stub}} Category:KDE stubs
Linux {{Linux-stub}} Category:Linux stubs
Mac OS X {{mac-stub}} Category:Mac OS X stubs
Microsoft Windows {{windows-stub}} Category:Windows stubs
Programming languages {{compu-lang-stub}} Category:Programming language stubs
Other (non-computing) technology {{tech-stub}} Category:Technology stubs
Websites {{Website-stub}} Category:Website stubs


All items (4)
